In his comeback Telugu film, actor Siddharth is playing a calm role. Director Ajay Bhupathi has cast him in a lead role in 'Maha Samudram', which is also headlined by Sharwanand. The first look of...Continue reading
Siddharth awaits the theatrical release of 'Takkar' on June 9 in Telugu and Tamil. Directed by Karthik G Krish, the up-and-coming movie is produced by TG Vishwa Prasad, Abhishek Agarwal and Passion...Continue reading
The first look and teaser of ‘Poga’ was released today. It’s the first production venture of director Anand Ranga of ‘Oy’ fame. Navdeep is the male lead of the film. Siddharth graced the event a...Continue reading
Charan Sai and Usha Sri are set to ignite the screens with their chemistry in the upcoming film It's Okay Guru. Directed by Manikanta M, the film is gearing up for its theatrical release. Today, t...Continue reading
'Maha Samudram' will be released in theatres tomorrow (October 14). The makers have expressed confidence in the potential of the movie. Anil Sunkara today said, "We have called the first two trail...Continue reading
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