'Manasanamaha', the acclaimed short film directed by Deepak Reddy and starring Viraj Ashwin, Drishika Chander, SriValli Raghavender, and Prithvi Sharma, has entered the Guinness Book of World Recor...Continue reading
Viraj Ashwin of 'Baby' fame will be back on the silver screen soon. His 'Jorugaa Husharugaa' will head to the theatres on December 15. Bekkem Venugopal of Lucky Media is cushioning the movie's thea...Continue reading
Viraj Ashwin is playing a unique role in 'Jorugaa Husharugaa', an upcoming movie directed by Anu Prasad. The film's First Look, featuring the 'Thank You Brother' actor, has been released. Produced...Continue reading
'Manasanamaha', the acclaimed short film, has the record of winning the most national and international awards since 2020. The news is that its director Deepak Reddy yesterday got to meet with Andh...Continue reading
'Baby', which is one of the biggest hits in the history of Telugu cinema in terms of return on investment, was released in theatres last year. Director Sai Rajesh and producer SKN have now been nam...Continue reading
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