'Rudrakshapuram' is an upcoming movie based on some true incidents that took place in the Anantapur district in 2018. Headlined by senior actor Naga Mahesh (for whom this is the second outing) and ...Continue reading
The much hyped film ‘Metro’ which is set in the backdrop of chain snatching, is arriving Telugu theaters on March 17. ‘Metro’ is the dubbed version of Tamil super hit film w...Continue reading
‘Renigunta’, the blockbuster film in Tamil is now being brought to the Telugu audience with the same title by SK Pictures banner. Suresh Kondeti bought the dubbing rights and presenting it to the ...Continue reading
Suresh Kondeti’s SK Pictures banner that came up with super hit dubbed films like ‘Premisthe’, ‘Shopping Mall’ ‘Naanna’ and the recent one ‘Journey’ is now all set to release yet another dubbed fil...Continue reading
After 9 successful movies like ‘Premisthe’, ‘Journey’, ‘Shopping Mall’, ‘Renigunta’, ‘Naanna’, ‘Premalo Padithe’, ‘Pizza’, ‘Crazy’ and ‘Mahesh’, SK Pictures’ latest movie is ‘Preminchali’, which is...Continue reading
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