In January this year, the makers of 'Guntur Kaaram' filed a Cyber complaint against an allegedly orchestrated campaign targeting their movie through bots on BookMyShow. The makers alleged that over...Continue reading
'Sakala Gunabhi Rama' stars VJ Sunny, Sritej, Ashima Narwal and Taruni as lead roles. Produced by EIPL banner, the film is directed by Veligonda Srinivas. Produced by Sanjeeva Reddy, its trailer is...Continue reading
Vishwak Sen has said that he is taking his time off from Instagram. His social media detox is a conscious choice. He will continue to be there on Twitter (X) because his team manages his X handle. ...Continue reading
Ahead of the theatrical release of 'Gangs Of Godavari' on May 17, its teaser was released today at an event in Hyderabad. Producer S Naga Vamsi of Sithara Entertainments sounded confident about the...Continue reading
'Paagal', which headed to the theatres on August 14, is claimed to have minted Rs 6.6 Cr (Gross) in just two days. The huge figure has been billed as clear proof that the audience has backed the ro...Continue reading
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