Naveen Chandra, who was recently seen in the OTT release 'Super Over', has been signed up for a movie to be directed by Aravind. A crime thriller, the film is produced by producer Javvaji Ramanjane...Continue reading
Naveen Chandra, who entered into the Telugu film industry through the film ‘Andala Rakshasi’ and won youth’s hearts, is now coming up with a latest film titled ‘Chandamama Raave’. ‘Adi Raadu…Veedu ...Continue reading
Varun Tej's most awaited sports drama Ghani, is all set for a release on April 8th. It's USA Premieres on April 7. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas release by Sarigama Cinema...Continue reading
The Logo Launch of Mayukha Creations, Production No 1 will be unveiled Soon. The Film is the Directorial Debut of Jagadish Talasila, a Protégé of S.S.Rajamouli, who was the Associate for Maghadheer...Continue reading
Naveen Chandra and Salony Luthra starrer 'Bhanumathi Ramakrishna' will premiere on 3rd July exclusively on Aha OTT platform. Meanwhile, the makers have released a new poster of Naveen as Tenali Ram...Continue reading
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