Nani has finished shooting for the film Jersey. He has now moved to his next film, which was launched recently. The film has been titled as 'Gang Leader'. This thriller is Nani's 24th film. The mak...Continue reading
Finally, the song 'Dhoom Dhaam Dhosthaan' is out. Composer Santhosh Narayanan garnishes the massy number with a pronounced Tamil mainstream music flavour. So, it is deliberately noisy and intently ...Continue reading
Nani and Ritu Varma as the lead pair, the movie Tuck Jagadish is readying for its grand digital release on 10th September. Releasing on Amazon Prime, the movie is touted to be a full-time family en...Continue reading
Nani began his career in Tollywood as an assistant director. Then he went on to act in films and became a star. Now Nani will enact what he used to do once for a living on screen. Nani will be play...Continue reading
Nani's 30th film is going to be directed by newcomer Shouryuv. Produced by C Venkata Mohan, Vijeynder Reddy and Murthy Kalagara, the film will be launched formally on January 31 at a studio in Hyde...Continue reading
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