Jyothika’s super hit Tamil crime drama is set to be released in Telugu as ‘Jhansi’. Directed by sensational director Bala, the film has Jyothika in the title role. Her fierce perf...Continue reading
Praneeth Hanumanthu, a content creator, was recently seen in Sudheer Babu's 'Harom Hara' as Selva Manikayam Bujjulu in a brief role. He was effective in the short role that he got to play in the ac...Continue reading
‘Bhale Manchi Roju’ producers Vijay Chilla and Shashi Devireddy are back with another interesting film titled ‘Anando Brahma’ on their 70mm Entertainments banner. The film&r...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu's 'Sridevi Soda Center' has caught up with good hype post it's release. The makes who are overwhelmed by the result, had organised the success event. Sudheer Babu who is buoyed with t...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu, who has impressed Telugu audience in Sammohanam is introducing RS Naidu as a director with Nannu Dochukunduvate and the actor himself is producing the movie under his home banner Sudh...Continue reading
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