'The Fog' is an upcoming thriller starring Virat Chandra, Chandana Koppisetty, Harini, Ajay Ghosh, Nandu, Supriya, Praneetha and Pramod. Directed by Sudhan, the movie will release on February 5. T...Continue reading
Sensational director Ram Gopal Varma, known for making bloodshed films on backdrop of knives, rifles, gangsters, terrorists, ghosts and monsters etc. in his 25 years career, is now coming out with ...Continue reading
Nandu, Noel and Punarnavi as the lead cast, ‘Enduko Emo’ is being made under Maheswara Creations banner. Koti Vaddineni is the director. Malathi Vaddineni is producing the film. Recentl...Continue reading
'Bomma Blockbuster', starring Nandu Vijay Krishna and Rashmi Gautam as the lead pair, is written and directed by Raj Virat. The film was released in theatres on November 4. The makers today said th...Continue reading
As reported recently, Nandu Vijay Krishna and Rashmi Gautham will be seen in 'Bomma Blockbuster', which is touted to be an out-and-out entertainer. The news is that 'HIT' and 'Falaknuma Das'...Continue reading
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