Ganesh Bellamkonda, who debuted in movies earlier this year (and his maiden venture is yet to be released in theatres), has been signed up by producer S Naga Vamsi for a film titled 'Swathi M...Continue reading
Bellamkonda Ganesh and Varsha Bollamma's starrer Swathi Muthyam, is all set for a release on Oct 5, it's USA Premieres on Oct 4th. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas release by...Continue reading
'Swathi Muthyam' is slated to be released in theatres on August 13. On Monday, its first song titled 'Nee Chaaredu Kalle', shot on Ganesh Bellamkonda and Varsha Bollamma, was released. The Mahati ...Continue reading
Weeks after its first song and teaser were released, 'Nenu Student Sir!' has locked its release date. The action thriller, starring Bellamkonda Ganesh and Avantika Dassani, is going to be released ...Continue reading
In 'Swathi Muthyam', Bellamkonda Ganesh's character was trapped by a failed surrogacy deal. In his next film, titled 'Nenu Student Sir!', his character is in a bigger morass: he has been trapped by...Continue reading
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