Though 'Sye Raa' has been going strong in the Telugu states, the film has been registering shockingly low numbers in the North. Chiranjeevi has attended the promotions along with the team members a...Continue reading
The first single 'KoKkoroko' from Kalyaan Dhev’s debut film Vijetha will be released on June 12 at 8:59 am. It's a funny track based on the dish Chicken. The audio launch event will be held o...Continue reading
Taraka Ratna has been treated in a private hospital in Bengaluru for the past three days. He suffered a heart attack last Friday. Megastar Chiranjeevi on Tuesday morning took to social media and t...Continue reading
Chiranjeevi starrer ‘Khaidi No 150’ is almost complete. Producer Ram Charan has big plans for the film’s publicity. It is gearing up for a grand release during Sankranthi. But the confusion is over...Continue reading
Recently, when James Cameron praised 'RRR' and Ram Charan's character in the film, Chiranjeevi proudly tweeted about the same. Shockingly, he didn't mention Rajamouli's name in the tweet. This led ...Continue reading
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