Nani is shooting for Vikram Kumar's film Gang Leader. News is that while shooting for an action scene, Nani has hurt his ankle badly. Though the injury is not severe, doctors have advised Nani comp...Continue reading
Finally, the song 'Dhoom Dhaam Dhosthaan' is out. Composer Santhosh Narayanan garnishes the massy number with a pronounced Tamil mainstream music flavour. So, it is deliberately noisy and intently ...Continue reading
Most actresses who are in their late 20s and early 30s refuse to talk about their age. They either evade questions related to their age or get into shaming those who want to know their age. This is...Continue reading
Screen names had always played an important role for Nani right from his entry into the industry. Like Mahesh in Ashta Chamma, Gautham in Ala Modalayindhi, Nani in Eega it is his movie identi...Continue reading
March is going to witness a series of theatrical releases. Nani's 'Dasara' (March 30th release) may be hogging the limelight for now, but a number of small releases before it are crucial for actors...Continue reading
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