Naga Shaurya's 'Krishna Vrinda Vihari' is going to hit the cinemas on April 22. Helmed by Anish R Krishna and bankrolled by Ira Creations, its first song, shot on Shaurya and Shirley Setia, will be...Continue reading
'Lakshya', which is Naga Shaurya’s 20th film, is in the news because a song titled 'O Lakshyam' from it was released today. Directed by Santhossh Jagarlapudi, the sports actioner has Ketika S...Continue reading
Upon hearing this it felt like a similar ad in the magazine of the 'bride''s parents searching for a suitable 'groom' for their daughter. But this is the name of the movie. What you heard is true. ...Continue reading
Naga Shaurya's 'Krishna Vrinda Vihari' is going to be promoted in the next few weeks zealously. The film is heading to theatres on September 23. "So finally, locked the date and excited to meet yo...Continue reading
Naga Shaurya, who had an impressive makeover for 'Aswathama', has now stunned with his physique for his next. The pre-look of his next movie has been released and looks like he has put in a lot of ...Continue reading
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