Telugu's famous actor Brahmaji had recently tweeted that he wished the Indian government would give away the prestigious award Padma Bhushan to Sonu Sood. He also mentioned that Sonu Sood has helpe...Continue reading
Aadi Sai Kumar as hero and with introducing Prabhakar P as director, famous producer Bunny Vasu is producing a film titled ‘Next Nuvve’ under V4 Movies banner. The film has completed th...Continue reading
Fantasy thriller ‘Rakshaka Bhatudu’ has completed censor formality and is all set to release on April 7. Richa Panai, Baahubali Prabhakar, Prudhvi, Sapthagiri and Brahmaji as the lead c...Continue reading
"Witness the Men-tertainment!! (sic)," the makers of '#MENTOO' said, unveiling the film's teaser. Starring Naresh Agastya, Brahmaji, Harsha Chemudu, and Nellore Sudharshan as male leads, the film h...Continue reading
Brahmaji, who started off his film career with small roles and became popular by playing JD’s friend in Krishna Vamsi’s debut film ‘Gulabi’ appears to have got the promotion now. Yes! Now for the ...Continue reading
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