'Ramarao On Duty', starring Ravi Teja and directed by Sarath Mandava, will arrive at the cinemas on July 29. The other day, a hot song featuring Anveshi Jain was released. Today, actor Venu Thotte...Continue reading
Sai Pallavi has proved that she is an actress with mettle. She will just not do any random film. The actress is very careful about the kinds of role that she selects. The actress was offered a rol...Continue reading
With the on-screen chemistry between Venu and Kamalini Mukherjee becoming successful in ‘Gopi Gopika Godavari’, they are back with another film titled ‘Ramachari’ with the tagline ‘Eedo Pedda Gooda...Continue reading
'Ramarao On Duty', starring Ravi Teja in the lead, is directed by debutant Sarath Mandava. The news is that yesteryear hero Venu Thottempudi, who is known for comedies such as 'Swayamvaram', has be...Continue reading
"Baahubali ayyeloga nenu bali ayyella unnanu" quips Venu (Tilu) in the film THE END's latest trailer. What in the film makes him say this ? And how does Baahubali linked to THE END ? By now, you...Continue reading
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