'KA' will head to theatres for Diwali. The Kiran Abbavaram thriller drama will grace the big screens on October 31. The Trailer of the film will drop at 5:01pm this Thursday (October 24). "The vi...Continue reading
'Sebastian P.C. 524' will hit the cinemas on March 4. Its pre-release event was held on Tuesday. The event saw the core team of the comedy thriller, mainly actor Kiran Abbavaram, giving heart-felt ...Continue reading
In the teaser for 'Sebastian P.C. 524', Kiran Abbavaram is a God-believing person who wonders if he is God's son. "Since I have a health problem, I must not be his son," he tells himself in a churc...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram's latest thriller, KA, has taken the box office by storm, emerging as the Diwali dark horse. The film has garnered praise for its unique storyline and nuanced performances. Th...Continue reading
Ahead of the pre-relase event of 'Meter', its title song was released on Tuesday. Clap Entertainment and Mythri Movie Makers released the Sai Kartheek composition, which is written by Balaji. Kira...Continue reading
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