Vaishnav Tej, brother of Sai Dharam Tej and nephew of Megastar Chiranjeevi, had made an impressive debut with Uppena, directed by Buchi Babu Sana. The young actor has stunned the TFI with his acti...Continue reading
'Kothaga Rekkalochena' is produced by Lagadapati Sridhar on Ramalakshmi Cine Creations. Its title logo and first look were released by the team of 'Uppena'. Speaking on the occasion, the producer ...Continue reading
'Kondapolam', starring Vaisshnav Tej as the hero, has Rakul Preet Singh as his ladylove. On Monday, it was revealed that she is playing a character named Obulamma in the movie. Rakul is elated to h...Continue reading
'Uppena' fame Panja Vaisshnav Tej and Rakul Preet Singh in the lead roles, the movie Konda Polam hits the screens today. With renowned filmmaker Krish as the director, the movie has already got dec...Continue reading
'Uppena' has collected a worldwide share of Rs 10.42 Cr on Day 1. This is the biggest such opening for a newcomer's movie in the history of Telugu cinema. Almost the entire figure came from India. ...Continue reading
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