It's known that director Mohanakrishna Indraganti, after 'V', is making a film with Sudheer Babu as the hero. Titled 'Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali', the film is in the news because of the birt...Continue reading
'Maama Mascheendra', directed by Harshavardhan, is the title of an upcoming movie starring Sudheer Babu. On Wednesday, the makers unveiled the lead man's obese look from the entertainer. Durga is t...Continue reading
Gopichand and Sudheer Babu have faced terrible setbacks this Dasara season with their respective movies. They had pinned great hopes on their Dasara releases, but both 'Viswam' and 'Maa Nanna Super...Continue reading
'Maama Mascheendra', starring Sudheer Babu in three roles (as a don, a fatso and a DJ), will hit the cinemas on October 6. The film's trailer was launched today digitally by Mahesh Babu. Parasuram,...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu is the latest Telugu star to participate in the Green India Challenge. Thanking Rajya Sabha MP J Santosh Kumar for the initiate, the actor planted saplings in the backyard of his resid...Continue reading
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