Sudheer Babu and Aditi Rao Hyderi as the lead pair, renowned director Mohana Krishna Indraganti is directing a rom-com. The latest buzz is that the film has been titled as ‘Sammohanam’....Continue reading
'Maama Mascheendra', starring Sudheer Babu in three roles (as a don, a fatso and a DJ), will hit the cinemas on October 6. Its pre-release event, graced by Sree Vishnu, Sharwanand and Sekhar Kammul...Continue reading
The teaser of Rajasekhar starrer 'PSV Garuda Vega 126.18M' has been a rocking hit, much like its spectacular content. Mopping up as many as 2 million views, the teaser, released on Sept 22, has be...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu's upcoming collaboration with Mohanakrishna Indraganti is titled 'Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali'. The rom-com is heading to theatres on September 16. The news is that the film's t...Continue reading
Nara Rohith, Sudheer Babu, Shriya Saran and Sree Vishnu’s experimental film ‘Veera Bhoga Vasantha Rayalu’ will now hit the big screens October 25. Being produced by Apparao Bellan...Continue reading
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