SS Rajamouli’s prestigious film ‘Eega’ starring Nani, Samantha and Sudeep is getting ready to hit theaters worldwide in April. This bilingual film is titled as 'Naan Ee' in Tamil. MM Keeravani is...Continue reading
Nani had two superhit films last year. One was Bhale Bhale Magadivoy and the other was Krishna Gaadi Prema Gadha. The former was an instant hit, while the later did not reach up to the level of the...Continue reading
'Tuck Jagadish' will release in theaters on April 16. Starring Natural Star Nani, the Shiva Nirvana directorial is a family entertainer with adequate commercial elements. "We are happy to announce...Continue reading
Gautham Menon’s latest romantic entertainer ‘Eto Vellipoyindhi Manasu’ starring Nani and Samantha as lead pair has reached the final leg of shooting. Except for 3 songs, the shooting is almost don...Continue reading
Nani is practising cricket for his upcoming film Jersey. He will be seen in the role of a cricketer and will be known as Arjun in the film. Music for this film will be given by Anirudh Ravichander....Continue reading
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