Title for Shivaji’s new film has been finalized as ‘Chusinodiki Chusinantha’. This is an out and out comedy entertainer being directed by the debut director Anil Vatipalli. Nithya and Lezli wi...Continue reading
Shivaji and Archana starrer ‘Kamalatho Naa Prayanam’ which was directed by Narasimha Nandi of ‘1940 Lo Oka Gramam’ fame has successfully completed the shooting part. Isanaka Sunil Reddy and Siddha...Continue reading
‘Kolimi’ starring Shivaji in the lead role is being made on Telangana Movement backdrop. Prominent star Ramyakrishna is playing a key role in this film which is taking shape under the direction of...Continue reading
‘Chusinodiki Chusinantha’, starring Sivaji, Nithya and Lezlie Tripathi as the lead, is being produced by P Srinivasa Rao under PSR Film Corporation banner. Anil Vatupalli is being introduced as dir...Continue reading
For all comedy movie lovers, get ready to watch the full-fledged comedy entertainer ‘Em Babu Laddu Kavala’ which is expected to release in early July. Starring Shivaji, Aditi Agarwal and Rachana M...Continue reading
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