Rajashekar is on cloud nine. His comeback film 'Garuda Vega' has hit the bulls-eye. The film has done pretty well and is a perfect comeback for him. What next? is the next question. What will Raj...Continue reading
The Teaser for 'Kalki' was released on Wednesday as the clock struck 10 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds. The viewers have been spellbound by the elements in the breathtaking teaser. Ancient stru...Continue reading
Dr Rajasekhar will get busy with the shoot of 'Sekhar' in July or so. Helmed by newcomer Lalith Kumar, the film is a crime thriller. The news is that not one but two actresses will headline the fi...Continue reading
The leading lady for Dr Rajasekhar's film has not been finalized as yet. The makers of the film have not been able to decide on the leading lady. Kajal Agarwal's name was doing rounds, but she has ...Continue reading
It was a show down of sorts. Actor Rajashekar resigned from the post of the Executive Vice President of MAA. He wrote a letter and described in detail as to why he took this step. Today was MAA 20...Continue reading
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