'Yadgiri & Sons' is the title of an upcoming movie written and directed by Bikshapathi Raju Pandiri, who has written its story, screenplay, and dialogues. Produced by Chandrakala Pandiri, the f...Continue reading
'Ikshu' is a multi-lingual written and directed by VV Rushika. The news is that its promo, unveiled the other day, has received a thumping response. To be released in five languages, it has Ram Ag...Continue reading
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As Naga Chaitanya celebrates his birthday today, the makers of 'Love Story' released a poster in which the actor is wearing a banian and a lungi. It gives the impression that the 'Sailaja Reddy All...Continue reading
Shooting of ‘Sahasra’ is almost complete except one song. The film features Rajeev Kanakala, Krishnudu, Ravi Prakash, Shafi, Jeeva and Sri Aira in central roles and is directed by Vishal Kunduruni...Continue reading
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