Lucky Media banner is making the film titled ‘Memu Vayasuku Vachcham’ under the direction of Trinath Rao Nakkina. The film features Tanish, Neethi Taylor (debut heroine) and Mithi Sharma (debut he...Continue reading
Tanish-Bhama starrer ‘Kodipunju’ was directed by B V V Chowdary and produced by SS Bujjibabu under Sri Sailendra Cinemas banner. The film was recently released, hence the success meet was organise...Continue reading
A new movie in the combination of Tanish and Madhurima is going to be made by producers Rangasai and Gottiginti Ramachandra as Production No. 1 under Sai Srinivasa Productions banner. G Srinivas, ...Continue reading
The shooting of ‘Kodi Punju’ is almost complete except for a song. Featuring Tanish and Sobhana in lead roles, the film is being directed by BVV Chowdary and produced by Bujji Babu. The last song...Continue reading
‘Mem Vayasuku VAchcham’ directed by Trinath Rao Nakkina featuring Tanish and Neethi Taylor in the lead was recently released and running in theaters with hit talk. This Lakshman Cine Visuals’ movi...Continue reading
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