Lucky Media banner is making the film titled ‘Memu Vayasuku Vachcham’ under the direction of Trinath Rao Nakkina. The film features Tanish, Neethi Taylor (debut heroine) and Mithi Sharma (debut he...Continue reading
It's known that young actor Tanish is currently doing a film titled 'Mahaprasthanam'. Directed by Jhony, the entertainer has Musskan Sethi and Bhanusri Mehra playing other key roles. The news is t...Continue reading
Tanish as the main lead, the movie Maro Prasthaanam is being directed by Johnny. Touted to be an intense action-thriller, the movie is bankrolled by Himalaya Studio Mansions Uday Kiran by Mirth Med...Continue reading
Tanish-Ishita Dutta starrer ‘Chanakyudu’ is a stylish action entertainer with a feel good love story, directed by G Srinivas on Sai Srinivasa Productions banner. Thiriveedhi Santosh and Gottiginti...Continue reading
'Maro Prasthanam' is going to be released in theatres on September 24. Its trailer was released today. Speaking on the occasion, producer Uday Kiran said, "Our film is going to give the audience a...Continue reading
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