Tanish and Rupal as lead pair AN Productions banner is making a movie titled ‘Band Baaja’ with Nagesh as director. This full-length family entertainer is jointly being produced by Sheik and Nayeem...Continue reading
‘Chanakyudu’ starring Tanish and Ishita Dutta as lead pair is a romantic entertainer being directed by G Srinivas. Tiriveedi Santosh and Gottiginti Ramachandra have established a production house ...Continue reading
The shooting of ‘Kodi Punju’ is almost complete except for a song. Featuring Tanish and Sobhana in lead roles, the film is being directed by BVV Chowdary and produced by Bujji Babu. The last song...Continue reading
It's known that young actor Tanish is currently doing a film titled 'Mahaprasthanam'. Directed by Jhony, the entertainer has Musskan Sethi and Bhanusri Mehra playing other key roles. The news is t...Continue reading
A new movie in the combination of Tanish and Madhurima is going to be made by producers Rangasai and Gottiginti Ramachandra as Production No. 1 under Sai Srinivasa Productions banner. G Srinivas, ...Continue reading
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