'Rakshasudu', the psychological thriller, was released in 2019. Directed by Ramesh Varma, it was produced by educationalist Koneru Satyanarayana of KL University. The director-producer duo later co...Continue reading
Ahead of the theatrical release of 'Rudhrudu' on April 14 (the film is titled 'Rudhran' in Tamil), actor Raghava Lawrence is in the news for adopting 150 children. He made the announcement after an...Continue reading
Young rebel star Prabhas who recently tasted the success of ‘Darling’ and ‘Mr Perfect’ is now doing the film titled ‘Rebel’ with Raghava Lawrence who also directed super hit films like ‘Mass’ and ‘...Continue reading
Raghava Lawrence and SJ Suryah are doing the multi-lingual release 'Jigarthanda Double X' currently. The film will be released in theaters for Diwali. Directed by Karthik Subbar...Continue reading
Actor-director Raghava Lawrence today digitally released the title song of 'FEAR'. The film is going to hit the cinemas on December 14. "Every shadow that makes me low, whispers in ear and tremble...Continue reading
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