'Pindam' is the latest horror-thriller in the town. This November release, directed by Saikiran Daida, is set in three timelines: the present, the 1930s, and the 1990s. Set mostly in a haunted hous...Continue reading
In the trailer for 'Sindhooram', a young man is seen hanging in front of the village police station. Much to everyone's shock, it is a murder most foul. We then see Ravi Varma's character say that ...Continue reading
A new web series titled 'Athidhi' is all set to be streamed on Disney+ Hotstar from September 19. The horror thriller stars Venu Thottempudi as the male protagonist. This is his OTT debut. "What ha...Continue reading
'Kathanika', starring Manoj Nandam, Sainisha, Sagar, Saritha Panda and others, will release in theatres on April 23. Ravi Varma and Srikanth Iyengar have key roles in this Jagadeesh Dugana director...Continue reading
Ravi Varma, Kishore, Mamatha Rahuth, Sankeerth, Naresh Kaveti and Vriti Khanna starrer horror entertainer ‘Calling Bell’ was released on March 24, and is running successfully. Anood has produced th...Continue reading
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