Directed by Puri Jagganadh and staring Kalyan Ram in the lead, the first look of the film is released. The movie has an unusual title ‘Ism’. The first look poster was released on the eve of Kalyan ...Continue reading
Puri Jagannadh’s film that has Kalyan Ram in the lead is progressing in a brisk pace. The film was shot for three days in Ramoji Rao Film City. Now with that schedule done, the unit will be shiftin...Continue reading
Nandamuri Kalyan Ram, Debutant director Vassishta's time-travel fantasy film Bimbisara, is all set for a release on August 5, it's USA Premieres on August 4th. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters L...Continue reading
A youngster named Putta Sai Ram, who hails from the Pentapadu Mandal of West Godavari district, breathed his last on Friday night hours after attending the 'Bimbisara' pre-release event at Shilpaka...Continue reading
Daring hero Nandamuri Kalyan Ram starrer powerful action entertainer ‘Ism’ has completed the shooting part except for the patchwork with the recently held huge schedule in Spain. Dashing director P...Continue reading
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