'Vikky The Rockstar', directed by CS Ganta, is touted to be a novel film boasting a distinctive concept. Produced on a rich scale by Flight Lieutenant Srinivas Nuthalapati (IAF), the film's title l...Continue reading
'Mahaan', starring Vikram and his son Dhruv Vikram, is going for a direct OTT release. Directed by Karthik Subbaraj and produced by Lalit Kumar of Seven Screen Studio, the film is heading for an OT...Continue reading
Sensational director Shankar is getting ready to take his new film on the sets. As per the Chennai sources, the director is said to be preparing a new script which he is planning to start filming ...Continue reading
Vikram's 'Thangalaan' is rumoured to be considering an Independence Day release in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. If that happens, it might compete with 'Double iSmart' and a few other Telugu movies whic...Continue reading
'Dhruva Natchathiram' is slated to be released in theatres on November 24. While its trailer has failed to create any buzz, its technicians and director Gautham Vasudev Menon are trying their best ...Continue reading
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