Star –V Productions’ which earlier delivered a movie titled ‘Guruvaaram’, story based on Shirdi Sai Baba life history, now producing its 2nd film titled ‘Teenage Temptations’. Vighna Vinayaka is t...Continue reading
'Jaan Say' is touted to be a new-age crime thriller directed by debutant S Kiran Kumar. Produced by Krithi Entertainment Productions, the film is also written by its debutant director. The film's p...Continue reading
Starring Kranthi Chand, Avitej, Pradeep, Arjun, Koyal Das and Supurna in the lead roles, ‘Chandrullo Unde Kundelu’ is ready for the censor process. Directed by Venkata Reddy Usirika, th...Continue reading
Dhanvantari Creations’ is coming out with the film titled ‘Bhadyata’ under the direction of Sripaada Ramachandra Rao. With one of the prominent heroes and heroines as lead pair, the film also feat...Continue reading
Jampa Creations’ ‘Paani Puri’ featuring Vinayakudu fame Suryateja and Harshika Pooncha in lead roles is directed by K R Vishnu with Pradeep Kumar Jampa as producer. In a press meet held recently...Continue reading
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