The release date of 'Vaarasudu' ('Varisu' in Tamil) has been advanced by a day. The film was previously scheduled to hit the cinemas on January 12. The new release date is this: the Thalapathy Vij...Continue reading
Gopichand's 'Rama Banam', which was released in theatres on May 5, has turned out to be a major flop. As per a trade report, the film made a share of a mere Rs 2.5 Cr in the first three days of its...Continue reading
After the release of Thalapathy Vijay's 'Leo' last year, fan theories surfaced online. Since the film belonged to the Lokesh Cinematic Universe, the theories were diverse and speculative. Amidst th...Continue reading
The first look of Vijay 61, which has been titled as 'Adirindhi' in Telugu, has got a thumping response from the audience and industry alike. Murali Ramasamy and Hema Rukmani of Thenandal Studios L...Continue reading
'Beast', starring Thalapathy Vijay and Pooja Hegde in the lead, will hit the cinemas on April 13. 'KGF 2' has been confirmed to hit the cinemas on the 14th. Therefore, Sun Pictures has advanced the...Continue reading
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