Mahesh Babu's 25th film will be releasing on the 5th of April 2019. The makers of the film have confirmed this by announcing it on Twitter. They tweeted, "Ugadi 2019 will be extra special. Super St...Continue reading
During the release of Srimanthudu Mahesh Babu had announced that he would adopt his native village Burripalem in Guntur district in Andhra Pradesh. His plans were to turn this village into a model ...Continue reading
Superstar Mahesh Babu's 28th movie is finally on the floors more than a year after it was made official. As per early reports, the shoot is not being kicked off on Monday in a full-fledged manner. ...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu will be going on a vacation for 15 days. If sources are to be believed it is said Mahesh Babu will leave Hyderabad to an undisclosed holiday destination on the 18th of May. He has b...Continue reading
'Aagadu', which hit the cinemas in 2014, was an action comedy with a rural or semi-urban backdrop. As per Sreenu Vaitla, that was not supposed to be. "Mahesh Babu was given a different story narra...Continue reading
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