Hero Nithiin and national award winner Keerthy Suresh as the lead pair, the movie titled 'Rang De' is being made. The makers of Rang De had released a couple of songs earlier, which became instant ...Continue reading
Earlier today, Namrata Shirodkar put out a pic of Mahesh Babu baring his shirtless body while taking bath in a swimming pool. "Some Saturday mornings like this," she wrote, adding 'Too cool for the...Continue reading
As the release date (September 23rd) is nearing, the ‘Dhookudu’ unit is gearing up to complete the shooting part of the film. On the other hand, the post production works are also going on at a fa...Continue reading
Since the launch of Super Star Mahesh Babu’s upcoming film with Koratala Siva, there hasn’t been a single noteworthy update from the makes except the one that the film will hit screens ...Continue reading
Mahesh Babu starrer ‘Spyder’ is one of the much awaited films of the year. As per the latest updates, the film unit has wrapped up the film’s talkie part and planning to complete ...Continue reading
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