Tarun, Oviya starrer 'Idi Naa Love Story' is a romantic entertainer film directed by Ramesh Gopi, produced by AS Prakash and presented by Abhiram under Ram Entertainments Banner. The fi...Continue reading
'Nuvve Nuvve' was released in 2002. It has been 20 years and the Tarun-starring romantic family drama is gearing up for a re-release in the Telugu States. The directorial debut of Trivikram Sriniv...Continue reading
The drug mafia has expanded its tentacles to Telugu film industry. Special Investigation team (SIT) has issued notices to almost twelve prominent persons in Tollywood, including Tollywood’s a...Continue reading
Loverboy Tarun and Vimala Raman starrer ‘Chukkalanti Ammayi Chakkanaina Abbai’ which is directed by Kanmani and produced by Raju Harwani on Supreme Movies banner has finally completed all its form...Continue reading
It has been rumoured that 'Nuvve Kavali' fame Tarun is going to marry the daughter of a celebrity from a major cinema family. The falsehood has been called out by Tarun himself on Wednesday. In a ...Continue reading
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