Nara Rohith and Vishakha Singh are playing the lead roles in the film ‘Rowdy Fellow’. Prakash Reddy is producing the film under Movie Mills and Cinema 5 banners. Prominent lyricist Krishna Chaitany...Continue reading
As per the film nagar sources, Nara Rohit and Nithya Menon starrer ‘Okkadine’ is hitting screens on December 14th. The film release was actually planned for December 7th release, however the maker...Continue reading
We’ve all heard about the first film to start a trend, be it an item song, slapstick comedy, over-the-top action scenes or the extremely overused sentiment of a young man falling for his ’maradhalu...Continue reading
‘Tuntari’ starring Nara Rohith, which is being made under Sri Keerthi Films banner has completed the shooting part and presently post-production works are in progress. Nara Rohith, who is rising hi...Continue reading
Slowly but surely, Sree Vishnu has become a bankable actor and his choice of scripts has always been different compared to his age group actors. After tasting success with 'Brochevaarevaruraa...Continue reading
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