Natural star Nani appears in Satya Dev's Daare Leda music video. The movie Daare Leda features Satya Dev and Roopa Koduvayur. The movie revolves around the lives of a couple, who happen to be...Continue reading
Nani starrer Kirshna Gadi Veera Prema Gadha is gearing up for a grand audio launch. The movie, directed by Hanu Raghavapudi and produced under the 14 Reels Entertainment banner, has released its fi...Continue reading
Nani had two superhit films last year. One was Bhale Bhale Magadivoy and the other was Krishna Gaadi Prema Gadha. The former was an instant hit, while the later did not reach up to the level of the...Continue reading
‘Sega’ starring Nani, Nithya Menon and Bindu Madhavi is all set to hit theaters on June 24th in Telugu and Tamil languages. The film is directed by Anjana. While the Telugu version is being produ...Continue reading
Natural Star Nani and Sai Pallavi starrer ‘MCA’ is going to be release worldwide on December 21. Meanwhile, the makers are planning for a grand pre-release event. It will take place on ...Continue reading
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