Going by its title ‘Cinemakeldam Randi’, the audience would definitely think that the story of the film is on films backdrop. However, ‘Cinemakeldam Randi’ is a crime comedy film that would thrill...Continue reading
Director Vamsi’s comedy classic ‘Ladies Tailor’ will successfully complete 25 years on Sunday. This is one of the most landmark films in Rajendra Prasad’s career as well as director Vamsi’s career...Continue reading
'Super Machi', starring Kalyaan Dhev and Rachita Ram as the lead pair, is directed by Puli Vasu. The news is that a song has been filed on the lead man and Rajendra Prasad in Hyderabad. "The song ...Continue reading
Dr Rajendra Prasad starrer ‘Vasundara Nilayam’ has successfully completed its post production works and set for release on August 9th. Director Ravisan is portraying Rajendra Prasad in the role of...Continue reading
As per the Tollywood sources, Rajendra Prasad’s latest film ‘Onamaalu’ which was supposed to release on June 22nd got postponed to August 2nd week. Produced and directed by Kranthi Madhav, the sto...Continue reading
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