‘Onamalu’ is the story based on a school teacher named Narayana Rao who cherishes his childhood days by recollecting his mischievous acts. With Dr Rajendra Prasad and Kalyani as lead pair ‘Onamalu...Continue reading
After a successful debut with ‘Vijetha’ hero Kalyaan Dhev’s second film is confirmed under Rizwan Entertainment banner. This new film will be directed by a debutant Puli Vasu and...Continue reading
'Climax' is the title of an upcoming film starring Rajendra Prasad in the lead. Written and directed by Bhavani Shankar, its motion poster is out. Starring also Sri Reddy, Prudhvi Raj and Shivasha...Continue reading
A male head of a family played by Nata Kireeti Rajendra Prasad. Tulasi is his wife, while Kalyan and Vicky are his adolescent sons. Soni is his daughter. The First Look of 'Sahakutumbanam' is as si...Continue reading
Rajendra Prasad and Archana have joined hands for a film titled 'Shashtipoorti'. A family drama, the film is produced by Rupesh Kumar Chowdhary and helmed by Pravan Prabha. Its launch event was att...Continue reading
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