Akkineni Nagarjuna is presenting the Telugu 'Sardar', which heads to theatres on October 21. Speaking at the film's pre-release event, Nag recalled his association with actor Karthi since 'Oopiri'....Continue reading
The teaser of Rajasekhar starrer 'PSV Garuda Vega 126.18M' has been a rocking hit, much like its spectacular content. Mopping up as many as 2 million views, the teaser, released on Sept 22, has be...Continue reading
There is a massive craze for ‘Special songs’ among Telugu audience. Telugu filmmakers always make it a point to include a ‘Special Song’ in the movies. These ‘Special ...Continue reading
Looking back into the list of movies that Pandiraj has made, he has always attempted with impressing family audiences. Over here, he is back with same method, this time with a much more significant...Continue reading
Karthi's 'Khakee' is getting ready for a release on 17th November and Rakul Preet Singh, who played the leading lady in the film, is all excited and very eager to see audience's response. Rakul Pr...Continue reading
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