Horror and Thriller movie genre has been picking up at pace in Tollywood. With the onset of some hits delivered in the industry, director Raaj Kiran has recently released Swathi and Naveen Chandra ...Continue reading
'1997', starring Dr. Mohan, Naveen Chandra, Srikanth Iyengar, Koti and others, is directed by Dr. Mohan himself. Produced by Eshwara Parvathi Movies, the film is set in 1997. Naveen Chandra's look ...Continue reading
'Thaggedhe Le', a new-age crime thriller starring Naveen Chandra and directed by Srinivas Raju, has been in the news of late. Earlier this week, its First Look was released. Today, the makers unvei...Continue reading
Naveen Chandra, who was recently seen in the OTT release 'Super Over', has been signed up for a movie to be directed by Aravind. A crime thriller, the film is produced by producer Javvaji Ramanjane...Continue reading
'Super Over', a web film, is directed by Praveen Varma. The news is that its sneak-peek is out. To be streamed on Aha from January 22, the drama is produced by Sudheer Varma. Happening actor Navee...Continue reading
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