Megastar Chiranjeevi unveiled a peppy number from Sudheer Babu's upcoming movie 'Sridevi Soda Center'. The movie stars Sudheer Babu in a mass avatar. Sudheer Kumar took to his social media to thank...Continue reading
Praneeth Hanumanthu, a content creator, was recently seen in Sudheer Babu's 'Harom Hara' as Selva Manikayam Bujjulu in a brief role. He was effective in the short role that he got to play in the ac...Continue reading
'Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali' is the title of Mohanakrishna Indraganti's next with Sudheer Babu. The very title indicates that the film is a romantic drama. Touted to have a wonderful love st...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu's upcoming mass entertainer Sridevi Soda Center grabs the attention of all with unique kinds of promotions. Now that the makers have come up with the release of heroine Anandi's avatar...Continue reading
After releasing ‘Shamantakamani’ Trailer on YouTube, the makers of the movie, Bhavya Creations will be hosting a movie pre-release function on 3rd July 2017 i.e. coming Monday at JRC Co...Continue reading
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