The bilingual film titled ‘Vachchadu Gelichadu’ starring Jeeva and Taapsee is being brought to the Telugu audience by K V Venugopal under K V Films banner. His father KVV Satyanarayana is the pres...Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu, who carved a special niche for herself in the hearts of Telugu audience with some noteworthy film, has reduced her Telugu projects from some time. Now, the actress is returning to To...Continue reading
Gopichand and Taapsee, who were seen as lead pair in Krishna Vamsi’s ‘Mogudu’ is joining hands once again for Chandra Sekhar Yeleti’s film. As per the Film Nagar sources, it’s learnt that producer...Continue reading
Taapsee stunned everyone with her performance in Bollywood flick Pink. Though she played such intense characters she does not negate the songs in Bollywood and South film industry, which showcases ...Continue reading
Taapsee Pannu recently made an announcement regarding her production company. Named 'Outsiders Films', Taapsee Pannu has come up with her debut production with a movie titled 'BLURR'. Besides produ...Continue reading
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