Krishnam Raju, the veteran actor who was known as the Rebel Star in his heyday as a matinee idol, is no more. He passed away in the wee hours of Sunday. Aged 83, he is survived by his wife a...Continue reading
There have been lots of rumours on Prabhas's wedding. Some say that he will marry his love Anushka Shetty, while others say that he will be marrying an NRI. His uncle Krishnam Raju says that all th...Continue reading
Rebel star and young Rebel star are teaming up for a new venture ‘Okka Adugu’. Yes, Krishnam Raju will direct and produce this film while Prabhas will play the lead role. The film will reportedly...Continue reading
Prabhas’ uncle and late Krishnam Raju’s wife, Syamala Devi, was recently in Vijayawada on a holy trip. During a brief chat with the local media, she hinted at an imminent announcement r...Continue reading
Prabhas faced the camera for the first time on June 28, 2002. His debut movie, 'Easwar', began its shoot today. As his uncle, Krishnam Raju was there on set to give his nephew moral support. Back t...Continue reading
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