'Samudrudu', an action entertainer produced by Keerthana Productions, starring Ramakanth, Avantika, and Bhanushree in the lead roles and directed by Nagesh Naradasi, has completed all its formaliti...Continue reading
'Ninne Chusthu', starring Srikanth Gurram and Bujji (Hemalatha Reddy) in lead roles, features Suhasini Maniratnam, Suman, Sayaji Shinde, Bhanu Chander, Kinnera and Sri Vani in key roles. The news i...Continue reading
Prime Star Jagapathi Babu is playing the lead role after a long time in an action entertainer titled ‘Surya Bhai’. Rajesh Chinnari and Prathap Dandem are jointly producing the fil...Continue reading
Chilukur Balaji temple located in Chilkur in Hyderabad where the devotees get the real devine experience of devotion and peace. The concept of this temple is all devotees are equal in the eyes of ...Continue reading
Actor Suman as the hero of the movie Peddintalludu was directed by Sarath. The movie Peddintalludu was released on this day in the year 1991. The movie introduced actress Nagma as the female ...Continue reading
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