Star –V Productions’ which earlier delivered a movie titled ‘Guruvaaram’, story based on Shirdi Sai Baba life history, now producing its 2nd film titled ‘Teenage Temptations’. Vighna Vinayaka is t...Continue reading
'Jaan Say' is touted to be a new-age crime thriller directed by debutant S Kiran Kumar. Produced by Krithi Entertainment Productions, a new banner, the film is also written by its debutant director...Continue reading
Dada Saheb Phalke 2021 awards were announced at Mumbai earlier today. Actor Suman who have appeared in multiple languages of South India received the prestigious award. Dada Saheb's grandson Chand...Continue reading
'Nata Ratnalu', directed by Shivanagu, is slated to hit the cinemas soon. Starring Sudarshan, Mahesh Achanta, Thagubotu Ramesh and Inaya Sultana, the music album of the murder mystery crime thrille...Continue reading
In May 1985, actor Suman was arrested under a draconian Act passed by the Tamil Nadu Assembly. At that time, he was the most sought-after romantic hero in Tamil cinema and his popularity was on the...Continue reading
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