'KA' is heading to theatres on October 31. The film, directed by the Sujith-Sandeep duo, is headlined by Kiran Abbavaram. The period action thriller has a commonality with Sharwanand's 'Oke Oka Jee...Continue reading
Sharwanand has moved to his next film. This one will be about love and friendship. The film was launched today. The shooting of the film will commence in Chennai. Sharwanand has been paired with R...Continue reading
Allari Naresh is one of the great actors who have very good market among the young heroes. Most of his films are either above average or hits. The latest buzz in the industry is that he is going ...Continue reading
Sharwanand on Sunday reportedly met with a car accident. In the absence of authentic information about the incident, a section of the media made a mild attempt at creating panic. The 'Shatamanam B...Continue reading
Producer TG Vishwa Prasad’s People Media Factory is gearing up for the release of 'Manamey', a romantic drama starring Sharwanand as Vikram Adittya and Krithi Shetty as the heroine. This love...Continue reading
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