'Nathicharami' is an upcoming thriller directed by former journalist Nagu Gavara. Fronted by Arvind Krishna, Poonam Kaur and Sandesh Buri, the film's trailer was released recently. In a statement,...Continue reading
Handsome hero Arvind Krishna of ‘It’s My Love Story’ and ‘Rushi’ fame is now married man. The actor wedded his longtime girlfriend Dipika Prasad on November 18th in Tirupati. After tieing t...Continue reading
Telugu audience always loves to watch movies that have new concepts. Hence our filmmakers also thrive to come up with new concepts and good stories. One such film which is coming up to captur...Continue reading
'Shukra', touted to be a new-age thriller, is all set to release in theatres on April 23. The makers have confirmed the date on Monday. Talking about the premise of the Summer release, they said, ...Continue reading
Aravind Krishna, the hero of ‘It’s My Love Story’ and ‘Rishi’, is getting engaged on August 1st. Well, the handsome hunk who is the son of an IAS officer CVSK Sharma is to get locked with a girl n...Continue reading
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