Pawan Kalyan recently launched a new movie, which will be directed by Kollywood director Neason. A M Rathnam will be producing this film. Post launch, rumours were that Nayanatara will be the leadi...Continue reading
In 2007, Pawan Kalyan launched something called Commonman Protection Force. Kids born in the 2000s would find it surprising but the Force was launched and dissolved just like that. The presser duri...Continue reading
Pawan Kalyan's Sardaar Gabbar Singh is all set to hit the screens on April 8 across the world and all eyes are on the Power star, who is back as a dashing and maverick cop on silver screen after a ...Continue reading
The other day, Sai Pallavi was called 'Lady Powerstar' by the team of 'Virata Parvam'. But the tag is funny for a major reason. And it is not because her latest box-office release is on its way to ...Continue reading
A budding filmmaker named Varanasi Surya, who comes from a journalism background, has brought out a film titled 'Ganda'. Starring newcomers, the film is inspired by the concept of 'Zero Budget Poli...Continue reading
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