Director Anil Ravipudi has launched the first look of ‘Natakam.’ The film stars Ashish Gandhi and Ashima Nerwal in the lead roles while Kalyanji Gogana is directing the movie. ‘N...Continue reading
'Rudrangi' is the title of an upcoming action drama starring Ashish Gandhi in an action-driven role. The film features Jagapathi Babu as Bhim Rao Dora, who declares he is eligible to decide everyth...Continue reading
Actor Ashish Gandhi of ‘Natakam’ fame is currently doing an interesting film, which is helmed by Kalyanji Gogana. In the untitled flick. the young actor, who sports a rugged look, will ...Continue reading
Actor Ashish Gandhi who appeared in movies like Natakam has tied a knot in a private event today. Ashish got married to an IT employee named Nikitha. The wedding took place at a hotel and was atte...Continue reading
Ashish Gandhi is one of the actors who has proved himself by acting in a unique movie like 'Natakam'. With another suspense thriller, titled Director, Ashish is all set to entertain the audience. A...Continue reading
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