'Padmasri' is an upcoming movie directed by SS Patnaik, who has also written it. Nata Kireeti Rajendra Prasad has unveiled its posters. This is a comedy-based action-oriented horror movie, the make...Continue reading
Three of Venky’s upcoming projects are sure to hit floors by early next year. While the first is Venky-Ram Charan’s multi-starrer movie under Krishna Vamsi’s direction, the second is ‘Radha’ under...Continue reading
Natakireeti Dr Rajendra Prasad starrer ‘Dream’ movie has successfully completed the censor formalities and ready for release on September 21st. ‘Dream’ is a different film from the routine genre. ...Continue reading
Dr Rajendra Prasad’s new film ‘Cinemakeldam Randi’ is being directed by MMG Reddy and produced by Sunita Paladugu and Seeta Nekkanti under Sri Productions banner. A press meet was held at a privat...Continue reading
The shooting of P Chandu and M Aravind’s joint production venture ‘Bewars’ is going on at a rapid pace. Two songs and 70% of the shooting art has already been completed. The final...Continue reading
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